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mac. brand spaces GmbH

An den Nahewiesen 6
D-55450 Langenlonsheim

T. +49(0)6704/919-0
F. +49(0)6704/919-152

Chief Executive Officer:
Stefan Trieb & Jörg Bürkle

HRB (Entry in the Commercial Register) 1301 Bad Kreuznach

VAT Reg. No.
DE 811 210 495

The following also applies to our offerings on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and XING.

Responsible for content in compliance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Stefan Trieb & Jörg Bürkle
mac. brand spaces GmbH
An den Nahewiesen 6
D-55450 Langenlonsheim

We have carefully selected and checked the information we make available on our Website. Nevertheless, we point out that we cannot guarantee the information offered here is correct or complete. This disclaimer applies especially to the provided links and their content for which we assume no responsibility.

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If not otherwise indicated, all photos are provided by and are the property of mac. brand spaces GmbH.

An den Nahewiesen 6
55450 Langenlonsheim
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