Awarded as a training company
A total of 12 trainees and students successfully completed their examinations. These include two media designers, a technical product designer, two carpenters, a painter and varnisher, a warehouse logistics specialist and an office management assistant.
office management assistant. In addition, five dual students from the Baden- Württemberg Cooperative State University have successfully completed their Bachelor’s degrees. “Capable and committed employees are the basis for a company that operates successfully on the market,” says
Stefan Trieb. mac has made each of the 12 graduates an offer of employment and eleven young people will remain with the company – only one has left for personal reasons. mac. brand spaces continues to focus on young talent: in the summer, the team welcomed a total of 14 new trainees and students to the campus in Langenlonsheim. “This shows that we are on the right track here too and are attractive as an employee brand. This is the only way to attract new, motivated employees and
and keep the good, committed employees on board,” says Stefan Trieb.
New trainees are also being sought again for the 2023 training year. More information can be found at: