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Press release — 25.06.2024

mac honored for sustainable event management

mac. brand spaces, the specialist for live communication, has been awarded DIN ISO 20121 certification for sustainable event management following successful Level 1 and Level 2 audits. This was announced by mac CEO Stefan Trieb.

“We have certified the company across the entire service chain, from the consulting and design process, through production and warehouse operations, to assembly. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first service provider in our market to have such an extensive
comprehensive value chain completely certified. This confirms mac’s commitment to the highest standards in all areas of event planning, production and execution,” says Trieb. “My big thanks go to our dedicated and ambitious ISO team! The process was a challenging undertaking and required the involvement of the entire company. But we are convinced that sustainable management is not an option, but a strategic necessity for us and our industry. It is essential for securing long-term success in an increasingly regulated and demanding market environment. The implementation of ISO will promote innovation and minimize risks in our company.”

ISO 20121 is an internationally recognized standard for the event industry that builds on the quality management processes of ISO 9001. It also includes a comprehensive assessment of the environmental, social and economic impact of all company activities and is aimed at a continuous improvement process. This includes the complete governance of the company. mac has also implemented extensive packages of measures for this in recent years. For example, a compliance
management system, a supplier code of conduct, environmentally conscious procurement guidelines, an independent health management system and sustainable processes and guidelines for the design and sales team. Trieb: “All in all, we are taking
“Overall, we are influencing all operational and project-related levels and are able to make stand construction projects increasingly resource-efficient and responsible. We want to be pioneers in our industry and actively shape the path to a more sustainable future for live communication”

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