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Newsletter — 18.09.2024

Digitally inspired.

We have developed digital touchpoints that take your trade fair presence to the next level. Away from classic graphic boards – towards interactive experiences! With innovative tools such as our ‘Big Insight’ app, visitors scan QR codes and receive exciting information on materials, sustainability and much more. A first taste of the variety of functions of our future web platform, the mac. hub! Turn it into a digital treasure hunt and inspire your guests!

Our ‘Touch Book’ brings comprehensive product information to the trade fair stand in a clever way: two linked screens that can be turned like a book – making even the most complex topic exciting and easy to experience.

Our ‘360° Vision’ immerses your visitors in a whole new world: simply look through our binoculars and experience the exhibition stand from a completely new perspective. Or how about a ‘second layer’ that uses augmented reality to create an additional, dynamic level and bring your exhibits to life?

It’s also a haptic experience: with the ‘Live Trigger’, exhibits are interactively highlighted, light up and present additional content such as videos or animations. This turns your trade fair presentation into a memorable experience.

Sounds exciting? With our digital touchpoints, you can create unforgettable brand experiences that are digital, interactive and future-orientated.

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