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IFAT | Munich

Short Brief

SIMONA AG presented its thermoplastic products at IFAT, the world trade fair for recycling and waste disposal technology. The highlight of the trade fair appearance was to be innovations in the field of cable conduit laying. The staging of these products and an overall sustainable brand image were the requirements for the trade fair appearance in Munich.

Our Solution

The six criteria of a sustainable recycling process - Reduce, Replace, Reuse, Retain, Recycle, Rebalance - were the basis for the development of the stand concept. As a result, over 90% of the exhibition stand is made of modular and reusable materials that can be used not only for this trade fair, but also for future appearances by the company. Ecological plastics from one product line were also used. For example, the lounge was partitioned off with SIMONA pipes. Platforms and furniture were made from twin-wall sheets that could be plugged together. This was a challenge in terms of craftsmanship, as these products are not designed for exhibition applications. Overall, the company's sustainability strategy was therefore emphasised.

The end result not only impressed visitors to IFAT, but also the jury of the GoGreen Award. It honoured the company for its sustainable stand concept as one of 12 of the approximately 3,000 exhibitors as a GoGreenPioneer.

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